Vanity sizing2

The Dirty Truth About Vanity Sizing

Nothing will deflate your confidence quicker than taking an arm load of clothes into the dressing room simply to find that NOTHING fits you. Not only are you walking 3 feet smaller, but you can’t help but think, “what’s wrong with me? why does nothing fit?”

Ever have that feeling?

Ugh, it’s awful. I don’t blame you for wanting to avoid the dressing room altogether because of it.

In case you didn’t know, before I started my business I worked in the marketing department of a very well-known women’s plus size clothing company.

One of the reasons I high-tailed it outta there was that I got sick n’ tired of witnessing how disempowered women were around their bodies and how painful it was for so many women to dress when they didn’t love the skin they were in.

I’ll never forget sitting in a company-wide meeting and hear our CEO say, “Obesity is on the rise! Meaning more customers for us!”

I nearly fell off my seat in shock over how this man could regard an epidemic that plagues our culture a positive. It rocked me to my core.

And that’s when I knew I needed to help women end this war with weight for good.

A few years later, I birthed Laugh Yourself SkinnyTM.

While I got my soul sucked out of me going to that job every day, I acquired some “insider secrets” when it comes to corporate retail.

The one I’m sharing with you today in J-ciniTV, will blow your socks off and show you how to keep your confidence in the dressing room.

Every woman needs to watch this:

Feel free to forward this episode on to your mother, sister or friend. Every woman needs to watch it!

Love, health & laughter,


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