The Laugh Yourself Skinny Escape: A Behind-The-Scenes Look
Holy (skinny) cow!
I’m still sippin’ on the sweet syzzrup from the Laugh Yourself Skinny Escape.
I’ve been checking in with a few of the women since they got home just 2 weeks ago and I LOVE hearing the stories of how one woman’s fiancée was blown away by her glow of happiness since she arrived back home and how another woman is continuing to eat the foods that are right for her body and how it’s tripling her energy!
I am so grateful that I got to be in person with these women for a week and teach them how dropping a pant size can be simple, relaxing and most of all, FUN.
But I have to be honest, going into that week I wasn’t sure what to expect…
Of course I know my Laugh Yourself Skinny strategies work…most of my clients drop anywhere between 5-20lbs in just three months of working together. And I eat, breathe and live my teachings myself.
But chunking it down into just 5 days…well, honestly…I was a little nervous.
No juice cleanses.
No crazy boot-campy workouts.
No portion control.
Could this really work in just 5 days?
The answer… YES!
Everyone lost MORE THAN 5lbs in just 5 days together!
Even the staff slimmed down! haha!
Since you couldn’t be there in person with us, I put together a little recap of the week to give you a behind the scenes look of what went down on the Escape. You won’t want to miss a peek at the before and after pics too!
Check them out here:
And if you’re thinking about joining us on the next Escape and want to drop a pant size in just 5 days by Laughing Yourself Skinny, make sure you’re on our invite list here.
That way you’ll get all the details when we open the doors again.
I’d love to have the opportunity to hang out with you for a week!
See ya next week!
Love, health and laugher,
P.S. I got a lot of emails from women who were bummed they missed this Escape. Truth is, there were only a handful of spots and they went FAST when we opened the doors. Don’t miss out when we open them for the next Escape, enter your name and email here:
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