This happens every time. [Special invite for you!]
Have you noticed that every time you are given the opportunity to heal your emotional eating, it summons from your life’s jungles the scariest tigers and the grizzliest bears?
Just a few weeks ago, one of my Healing Your Relationship With Food workshop attendees was telling me about her exact experience with this.
She said, “Before I came here, I went through the McDonald’s drive-thru and got a large order of french fries. I ate them in my car right before I came in because I was so scared you were going to tell me that I could never eat french fries again!”
To which you may be thinking, “I’m sure as heck never coming to one of your workshops if it’s going to trigger more emotional eating!”
Take a deep breath in. And now let it out.
As your mentor, staying home is not the answer.
You will be challenged with your food compulsions whether you decide to stay home or you decide to attend.
What I can tell you from my own personal journey in healing my relationship with food and helping others do the same for the last 7+ years is that by attending the workshop you’ll have a greater chance of healing. PLUS! You won’t have to slay your tigers and bears alone because we’ll be doing it together!
Women tell me all the time how just the first thoughtful exercise we do together at my workshops already had them seeing food as fuel.
And those who continue our work together, experience even more relief from their fraught relationship with food.
So here is your invitation… You have two opportunities coming up to heal your relationship with food:
Saturday, Oct 21 @ 3:30pm
Yoga Tree
1281 RT 113
Blooming Glen, PA 18911
Sign Up Now!
Thursday, Oct 26 @ 7pm
Verge Yoga
250 W Lancaster Ave
Wayne, PA 19087
Sign Up Now!
When the scary tigers, like scheduling conflicts, and grizzly bears, like cravings for french fries, come up, all you need to do, is show up. Simply show up in spite of your fears and I’ll take care of the rest.
I’ve got you.
With love,
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