Very special introduction!
Have you ever been broken open by loss?
Like a divorce or the death of your beloved dog…
Then it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to my dear friend and colleague Laura Jack. She is a certified grief recovery specialist with a heart of pure gold.
I did a special private interview with her just for you about how to move thru grief and how to rediscover your light after loss.
In it you’ll learn why food is the #1 way to numb after loss… and what to do instead.
If you’ve spent your entire life burying your emotions and pretending everything is fine, I highly recommend you watch this right now so you can receive a powerful perspective shift around gnarly emotions like grief.
Remember, overcoming emotional eating has little do with food and everything to do with how you move thru your thoughts, feelings and fears.
Loving you (every day),
PS. You’re not alone. In this just-for-you interview I share the deep grief I’m working thru in my life right now…watch it right here, right now.
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