Posts Tagged ‘how to be happy’
How To Love Your Body (Even If It's A Work In Progress!)
You may have been taught, that when you finally lose the excess weight, THEN you’ll love your body. I know I did! Which made me really good at what I like to call the “hating yourself skinny” method. I don’t recommend it. It wasn’t much fun. In fact, it was torture. But I couldn’t…
Read More9 Things To Put On When You Have Nothing To Wear
Does it take you hours to get dressed in the morning? How many times do you stare into your closet wondering what to wear? It used to take me HOURS to get dressed. I eventually had to start laying out my clothes the night before because EVERYTHING I tried on didn’t fit. The tears. The…
Read MoreHow to celebrate yourself without feeling like a cheese-ball!
With just 2 days till my birthday, I’ve been jammin’ out to Katy Perry’s Birthday song…have you heard it? Even if you aren’t a March baby like me, you gotta take a listen. In it, she takes the words right out of my mouth sayin’ “make it like your birthday everyday”. WHY? Well think about…
Read MoreHow to be Happy!
After a Laugh Yourself Skinny session with me, my clients will often report how I always make them feel lighter, calmer and peaceful…like this losing weight thing is tooootally doable. Other people have even gone as far to say that I’m like a beam of sunshine. Which totally makes sense because I spend the first…
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