Hello From The ESCAPE!

October 14, 2018

Hello from the serene beaches of Cape May!

I’m getting ready to lead our 3-day transformational retreat, called The ESCAPE — it starts tomorrow, I can’t wait!

We’ll be focusing on the healing the roots of emotional eating and transforming the energies of stress, anxiety and overwhelm. It’s why most numb with food.

And I’m SO proud of the Escapees I’m serving in-person this week and their willingness to do whatever it takes to be here.

Because when we come together in-person in a sacred space that is created for increased compassion, understanding and transformation, we can finally heal your relationship with food.

I have seen this happen year after year in those who attend our retreats.

People who swore that they’d always need to lock up naughty foods are suddenly able to eat one of something — one bowl, one piece, one bite.

People who have never been able to stop thinking about food, suddenly find their mind peaceful and quiet…they’re fully present.

This is the power of the ESCAPE!

(again, I’m SO excited)

Come follow our journey on my personal Facebook and Instagram pages. I’ll be posting along the way… but not too much because I want to be fully present with my clients. Plus, this work is best done in a safe, sacred space without social media ;-).

See you after the ESCAPE!

With love,

PS. Wanna explore how joining us on our next ESCAPE will help heal your emotional eating? YES! Submit this form so we can set up a time to connect and explore if the ESCAPE is right for you!

is this standing in your way?

September 30, 2018


I’ve been thinking about you because I’ve been talking to a lot of people who want to heal their emotional eating and they keep bumping up this big fear: “This just isn’t going to work for me.”

They tell me how they’ve tried diet after diet…

How they feel like something is wrong with them

How they’ve determined that feeling compulsive and magnetized to food is simply something they’ll have to settle with.

Which completely breaks my heart.

Because I’ve been in that same dark hopeless place. Those words of, “I feel like there’s something wrong with me,” have even come out of my own mouth many years ago.


What I’ve come to know and why I’m so passionate about helping you heal your emotional eating is that diets are a mis-match for emotional eaters. 

There is nothing wrong with you. What’s been “wrong” is the method your using to heal. 

It’s time to try things differently. 

It’s time to manage your stress, anxiety and overwhelm so it’s not triggering you to eat.

It’s time to untangle your physical hunger from your emotional hunger so you can stop filling the hole deep inside with food.

It’s time to take your power back from food.  

All of this is exactly what we do here at Escape From Emotional Eating and what we’ll be doing at our upcoming retreat called the ESCAPE.

If you’re ready to be done with your emotional eating, I invite you to fill out this application so we can explore if our unique life-changing method of creating peace with food is a fit for you.

Submit your application now so we can connect and explore what’s possible when you have support that is a match for you.

So looking forward to our time together.

With love (and full dedication to your healing),

Let’s Meet Up!

September 16, 2018


If you’re local to the Philadelphia area, I wanted to make sure you saw my invitation to our next Escape From Emotional Eating Meet Up.

Reserve your spot here now.

I created this because when I was an emotional eater, Overeaters Anonymous really didn’t resonate with me and therapy wasn’t enough. I needed and wanted another option. And that’s how the Escape From Emotional Eating programs, retreats and workshops like this meet up were born!

Don’t worry — this is not an event where we’re just going to sit in a circle and talk about your feelings — no way.

Because that won’t make you feel less compulsive around food.

Instead, I’ll be walking you through the 3 steps to stop stress eating, and you’ll leave with practical tools that you can start using right away. 

Reserve your spot now by clicking here because seats are limited. 

So looking forward to this powerful time together.

With love,

P.S. One woman who came to our last meet up said that she finally realized how much her anxiety was driving her eating. And she’s been practicing the tool I taught her and it’s been making a difference. Reserve your spot now so you can experience a health shift in your relationship with food! 

the 1st step to stop stress eating

September 9, 2018

Do you feel like your brain is wired to use food to soothe your stress?

This is why one of our foundational teachings for us as stress eaters is all about untangling your physical hunger and emotional hunger. 

This is all about uncrossing your wires so you can freely feed your body and honor when you are physically full. 

Then you’ll more deeply understand how to nourish yourself emotionally, because your soul isn’t truly fed by food.

From here, food returns to being fuel and your soul springs back to life! YAY!

One of my Escape Retreat attendees described this transformation best when she said, “It’s like something finally clicked! I’m able to eat one of something instead of handfuls!”

This teaching is such an important first step that I teach it in all of our programs, retreats and workshops.

And there are a number of opportunities for you learn how to uncross your wires with food coming up so pick which one works best for you:

-> In the Philadelphia Area? Our next workshop near you is Wednesday, Sept 19 – Click here to reserve your spot!

-> In the New York City Area? Our next workshop near you is Saturday, Sept 22 – Click here to reserve your spot!

-> Not local or can’t make those dates? Then click here now to submit your application for an Escape From Emotional Eating Discovery Session so we can connect one-on-one and explore the other options available to heal your emotional eating.

There’s an abundance of support available for you here at Escape From Emotional Eating, (after all, that’s my commitment to you 😉 ).

Be open to receive.
Be open to support.

Be open to being free from food.

With love,


will you join me for my first Facebook Live?

August 26, 2018

Hi! Will you join me for my first Facebook Live?
I’ll be going live tomorrow, Monday August 27 @ 11:11am. ☺

I’ll be sharing a massive lesson that I learned while Zach and I were on our honeymoon. We got back a few weeks ago but I’m finally ready to talk about what happened.

Join me here.

See you then!

With love,

Before I go! (video message for you)

July 25, 2018

Hi! I leave for my honeymoon in just a few days and wanted to share this with you before I go! Click my video message below to understand why healing emotional eating isn’t as simple as “just eat healthy and exercise” and what to do instead!

Can’t wait to connect with you when I get back!

PS. If you’d like to receive our Escape From Emotional Eating Foundational Trainings, be sure to submit your application for a Discovery Session by THIS SATURDAY 7/27 so we can schedule a time for us to connect! Click here to submit your application now!

from my own experience

July 15, 2018


Early on in my journey to escape from emotional eating I got really clear that counting calories, portioning out food and weighing myself every day was never going to create the peace with food I desperately desired.

Because these methods are based solely in science.

They completely miss the MOST important aspect of yourself.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! ☺

The journey to heal your emotional eating and finally have peace with foodis a spiritual one.

Because no matter how much nutritional information you know or how much “work you’ve done on yourself,” you alone cannot outsmart the psychic force of your compulsions with food.

If you could, Weight Watchers would have worked.

For this problem, you need help from your inner Self, your Higher Power. Call it faith, or call it the placebo effect; both will calm you down and put you back into your right mind, which is everything we’re about here at Escape From Emotional Eating.

I can tell you that when I started to connect in with my Spirit, my relationship with food started to heal at a rapid rate.

I no longer needed to stuff myself with food to feel calm and grounded.

My inner demons stopped barking about food all the time.

And I could stop eating when I was physically satiated without getting slammed by weird fears that I would never eat again.

The healthier my Spirit got, the healthier my body became.

I believe in this so much because I’ve watched it happen in my own body and life that it’s a foundation for everything I teach in our ESCAPE programs and retreats.

If you’d like to explore how this unique approach can unhook you from your compulsions with food, simply fill out this application and let’s connect!

I have just 2 spots open in my calendar to connect about this before I leave for my honeymoon in 2 weeks, so submit your application right now!

Looking forward to sharing more about this with you!

Talk to you soon!

With love,

PS. I’m going on my honeymoon in 2 weeks and I want to be sure to connect with you before I leave so we can end your fight with food ASAP. Submit your application by clicking here right now so we can connect before I go!

can I be really honest with you?

July 1, 2018


If I’m really honest with you, there’s something I was using in the same way I used to use food. I was using it to numb.

Today marks 68 days of being alcohol free.

If you feel crazy and compulsive around food, you know how big of a deal it is to be free from ANY compulsive behavior, because of all the inner demons, doubt, fear and energy thats tangled with it.

What’s really cool is that I applied all the same principles, tools and steps I teach in the Escape From Emotional Eating to become alcohol free.

It’s been a journey, for sure.

Thank goodness for the tools.

But now I have no energetic connection, no magnetic pull, to alcohol like there used to be. I don’t feel compelled to numb (even when everyone around me is drinking!). Now I have a choice.

When I first started my journey to heal my emotional eating, I had this fear that healing would be worse than the “food jail” I was in. And when I was looking at my relationship with alcohol I had that same fear.

It was as if my mind was seeing the freedom I desperately desired as death. 

But standing here before you today, having walked this journey with food (and now alcohol!), I can confidently say that this journey BIRTHS a new, even better version of yourself. 

A brighter, lighter, happier, healthier, more in integrity with yourself version of you.

That’s certainly how I feel.

And it gets better and better each day.

To choosing with nourishes you,

Only a few hours left! Apply now!

June 24, 2018

Here’s how to stop lunging for food when life get’s stressful. Watch this right now to learn how!

PS. Deadline is TONIGHT at 8pm eastern! Click here to submit your application now: http://escapefromemotionaleatingapplication.com/

Did you see this?

June 21, 2018

Here’s how to get those demons off your back. Be sure to watch this video to learn how. Click the video image below right now!


Lots of love,

PS. Submit your application by clicking here right now. The deadline is THIS Sunday, June 24 @ 8pm EASTERN and there are only 3 spots so submit your application now. XO

Did you know there are 4 Roots that trigger Emotional Eating?

Watch this video to identify which one is triggering you!

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