I found a lump

This summer I was rubbing in my sunscreen before going to the beach with friends when I discovered a large lump on my left breast. Immediately my gut wrenched, my heart dropped, and I shattered into a million pieces. So if there’s one thing I learned in 2016, it’s the power of miracles. A miracle,…

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The Best Chocolate For Losing Weight

Last week we talked about how to slim down without sacrificing your fav bottle of wine. And this week we’re going to do the same thing with chocolate! YES, it’s true. You can eat your chocolate, drink your wine AND STILL drop a pant size. After all, the french do it. I do it. And…

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Jessica's Top 3 Stress-Fighting Foods

Ever feel so stressed like you’ve got a one way ticket to crazy town…running around like a chicken with your head cut off? Welcome to my world just a few years ago. My friends and family used to start every sentence with “I know you’re so busy…” before they’d say anything to me. Nowadays, honestly,…

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How Shopping Is Adding Inches to Your Waist

“I saved over $ 10,000 working with you last year” was in a love note I received last week from Amy, who finished my signature program Laugh Yourself SkinnyTM last year. She told me that she had been prepping her tax stuff and she couldn’t believe how shifting her relationship to food saved her some…

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Is Your Green Smoothie Making You Fat?

3 years ago I went to a health coach who told me to start every day with a green smoothie. Desperate to slim down, I invested over $400 smackaroos in a blender on steroids and started every morning waking my neighbors by pulverizing kale into slurp-able green goo. At first my waist started to shrink…but…

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Too Busy to Eat?

Ever have a day where you’re so busy that you forget to pee…let alone eat? I talk to women who struggle with this all the time. Where they *might* eat a breakfast and not swallow another bite until they collapse in the evening. If you’re trying to lose weight you might think this is no…

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How to be Happy!

After a Laugh Yourself Skinny session with me, my clients will often report how I always make them feel lighter, calmer and peaceful…like this losing weight thing is tooootally doable. Other people have even gone as far to say that I’m like a beam of sunshine. Which totally makes sense because I spend the first…

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