Posts Tagged ‘how to lose 10 pounds’
How To Love Your Body (Even If It's A Work In Progress!)
You may have been taught, that when you finally lose the excess weight, THEN you’ll love your body. I know I did! Which made me really good at what I like to call the “hating yourself skinny” method. I don’t recommend it. It wasn’t much fun. In fact, it was torture. But I couldn’t…
Read MoreDo you emotionally eat? You may be a ‘Highly Sensitive Person’
If I were to name ONE thing that changed everything when it came to finally finding peace with food and my body, this would be it. It literally changed my life. It was a catalyst in dropping my first 10 pounds after years of deprivation and doubling up on workouts got me nowhere. It’s what…
Read MoreHow to Finally Feel Full
I used to have this thing with granola. Where I could eat bowl after bowl after bowl and never feel full. I would often tell myself it was no big deal because it was granola. Not French fries. But then the same thing started happening with peanut butter, chocolate and eventually…entire meals. Where I could…
Read MoreHow to have instant self-confidence
It’s been 80 degrees and sunny here in St. Thomas… and it feels SO good to have traded in our winter coats for short sleeves and beautiful summer dresses. It won’t be long before you’re rocking the shorter sleeves too! That time of year where everyone on social media is posting pictures of themselves in…
Read MoreHow To Leave Food On Your Plate (Without Feeling Guilty!)
I didn’t come from a family that forced us to finish our plate before we could leave the table. So when I sensed an overwhelming amount of guilt and shame when it came to leaving food on my plate, I really struggled with healing it. For years I would overeat and tell myself, “oh it’s…
Read MoreDo you eat birthday cake? What to do…
A few weeks ago, I was giving one of my “Put The Cookie Down” workshops about healing your relationship with food. At one part of the evening we found ourselves talking about one of my favorite things…birthday cake. One woman was telling me about her it’s-my-birthday-I’ll-eat-as much-cake-as-I-want-to approach and I could totally relate. Then she…
Read MoreLAST CALL! Your application is due today!
Today is the last day I’m accepting applications for the 10 complimentary Laugh Yourself Skinny Escape Discovery Sessions! The deadline is tonight at 7pm EST so submit yours now. And in a little more than a month, we’ll be escaping to a beautiful private villa in St. Thomas USVI, called Serendipity. Imagine eating every meal…
Read MoreMy Before & After Pictures
I’m getting so excited for the f.r.e.e. virtual training I’m hosting this Thursday called “Escape Emotional Eating & Drop 10 Pounds in 5 Days Without Starving Yourself” If you haven’t already signed up for this, do so NOW ===> HERE <=== I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into this. It’s going to be powerful.…
Read MoreWhen Losing Weight Feels Impossible, Remember This! A True Story…
I know, it’s not normal for me to be reaching out to you on a day other than Tuesday, but I had the most inspiring story I wanted to share with you. And I just couldn’t wait for another Tuesday to go by to tell you… I was on CBS last week! Now, you may…
Read MoreHow to Say No
I used to be the president of the People Pleasers club. If someone asked me to do something, I’d pretty much drop everything and help him or her. After all, it would make them happy. And of course I wanted them to be happy! But after a while I started to notice how my impulse…
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