50% OFF SALE – Escape from Emotional Eating Class – 48 Hours ONLY!

November 28, 2016

Does food have power over you?

This time of year, more than ever, it’s easy to fall victim to overeating. The cookie swaps, holiday parties, family gatherings…it’s crippling!

I know this feeling personally which is why I’m super excited to share with you how you can take your power and energy back from food in this very special Escape from Emotional EatingTM Self-Study Package!

You will receive:

This self-study package is normally $56, but for the next 48 hours only, you can TAKE 50% OFF = $28. YAY!

Instead of buying another sweater that eventually won’t fit you this cyber Monday, invest in yourself and your healing with this training!

The sale ends Wednesday, November 30 @ 11:11am EASTERN. Your discount will be automatically applied when you click right here right now.
I can’t wait to hear about the deep healing and self-love that’s created from this powerful Escape from Emotional EatingTM Package!

See you inside!

With love and gratitude,

PS. If you’ve ever felt you can’t keep food in the house because you would eat it all, my high recommendation is that you participate in this class. Receive this life-changing training right now.


November 15, 2016

We are entering a time of intensity with food – the Holidays – and I wanted to make sure you are fully supported.

So I’ll be doing TWO in-person workshops this month!

That’s two opportunities to receive powerful in-person support from me so pick the date that works for you.  Doesn’t matter which one, just be sure to pick a date! 

“I’m Full! How To Overcome Overeating One Bite At A Time”

  • Option 1: Tuesday, November 22 @ 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Golden Buddha Yoga: 814 W. Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA

                  Reserve your seat right now, right here: http://bit.ly/GoldenWorkshop

  • Option 2: Wednesday, November 30 @ 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Essene Market & Café: 719 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, PA

                   Reserve your seat right now, by emailing your name to: support@jessicaprocini.com 

If you’re thinking, “Not now. I’m so busy! The holidays are coming!” This is EXACTLY why I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you join me for one these healing workshops.

Saying “I’m too busy” just perpetuates your overeating.  It allows you to hide out and stay stuck in the same old patterns and habits.

One of the women who attended our last workshop said, “This was so healing and cathartic. And this is such a safe and compassionate space. It really helped me shine the light on what I’ve been struggling with for a very long time. I was able to see that I’m not alone in this and see someone who has actually worked thru this. I know now I can do this too.”

I invite you to receive this too. Just pick a date, show up and I’ll take care of the rest. 

Loving you (I’ve got your back!),

PS.  It doesn’t matter what you’ve tried in the past, (first name). We’re gonna do things differently this time. Pick a date, reserve your spot and I’ll hold your hand the whole way. Step-by-step, you CAN do this. Let’s go!

Is this the love that you seek?

November 8, 2016

As your coach I have a really important question to ask you…

No right, no wrong, no judgement with the answer. But I want you to really think about this…

Is chocolate cake REALLY the love that you seek? 

It’s full of processed chemicals and sugar that feed cancer, increase cholesterol, weaken eyesight, kill your memory, put holes in your bones, make it difficult to concentrate, put your intuition on mute and cause food allergies, diabetes, and heart disease.

Is this really the kind of love that you seek?

I wouldn’t call any of these things love. 

To truly loving you,





PS. If someone special comes to mind that you sense could benefit from the inspiration and support I share on how to Escape From Emotional EatingTM, please share this link with them http://bit.ly/FREEmeNow  and recommend they sign up for email support ☺

THIS will save you a tremendous amount of energy

October 25, 2016

oct-25_wy3_7375What I’m about to share with you will save you a tremendous amount of energy, time and resources. I know this from my own personal journey of ending my suffering with emotional eating and working with hundreds of clients on the same.

So here’s the truth…

1. Weight Watchers won’t put a complete end to your fight with food. 

Weight Watchers and other diets, meal plans and calorie counters only perpetuate your problem with food.

These methods are surface-only approaches. They only focus on food and exercise and don’t give attention to what’s going on INSIDE.

2. Surface-Only Approaches do NOT address the emotional and psychological factors that are at the root of your fight with food. 

Which is everything my work is built on: getting to the root of emotional eating and eradicating it forever.

3. If these vital factors are not addressed, *|FNAME|*, it will be impossible to end your fight with food for good. 

Surface-Only Approaches, like WW, might work for a few weeks of help you lose the first 10 or 20 pounds.

But when it comes to stopping your constant thoughts about food and being able to keep food in the house without over doing it, they will NOT be your savior.

4. What is needed to end your fight with food is a deeper approach.

Which is exactly why I cannot keep quiet about his any longer and why I’ve put all this and more together in an in-depth, life-shifting, FREE training just for you. 

It’s happening next week and I invite you to join me. Virtual seats for this are going fast and are limited, so sign up by clicking here right now: laughyourselfskinnynow.com

During this powerful time together, I’ll be sharing step-by-step what you must do to End Your Fight With Food.

5. Join me next week by clicking here right now and I’ll tell you everything you need to know to stop feeling tortured by food. 

Please bring pen and paper. You’ll want to take tons of notes.

Loving you (everyday),

hi! :-D

October 18, 2016

oct-18_bonus-dayI’ve gotten a lot of requests, from women who haven’t been able to attend my in-person workshops, to hold something virtually…

So here it is!

I’m putting this special virtual transformational event together just for YOU!

This is perfect for you if:

You feel out of control around food

You feel overwhelmed by life and food is comforting, rewarding… “a security blanket”

You’re scared that if you really overcame overeating life would become more difficult and painful than it already is
>>> Sign up now! <<<

This powerful transformational training is completely complimentary…my gift to you!

During our transformational time together, you’ll learn:

How to take your energy back and STOP constantly thinking about food

Why diets, meal plans, exercise programs and therapy haven’t healed your emotional eating and what you need to do instead to end your fight with food

Step-by-step how to create your own peaceful, freedom-based relationship with food…no matter what you’ve tried in the past

PLUS, I’ll be sharing the method that I’ve created from my personal struggle with food, how it helped me (and 100’s of other women) overcoming emotional eating and I’ll be showing you step-by-step how you can do it too!

Register now to join us!

“See” you then!
Loving you,

We set the date!

September 27, 2016

for-sept-27-newsletterI’ve only shared this with the women who were on our retreat, the Laugh Yourself Skinny® Escape, and I have the sense it’s finally time to share this personal story with you too. 

Much to my surprise, wedding planning has been intensely challenging.  

If you’re a sensitive person (like me), it can be difficult to find rest and relaxation in this already overwhelming world.  

Then add planning a wedding with someone who is completely different (for example: he makes decisions based research and facts and I make decisions based on my intuition, feeling energy and what I want)…

Well, let’s just say it can make you want to torch a small village and never get out of bed again.

Instead of pleasure and excitement, I felt an ever-increasing ball of frustration, anger, resentment lodged in my chest.  

Until, I had completely lost myself. 

In the past, this is where I would have ate.  

Chocolate, ice cream, bread…anything to keep me from drowning in my own darkness.   

After all the healing, transformation and real work I’ve done around my emotional eating, there’s nothing more humbling than a crystal clear moment of being reminded: you’re still on the journey. 

The good news is all of this didn’t take me out the way it used to.  

I caught it quickly and instead of eating my frustrations, I put the tools I teach and the process of Digesting Your Emotions™ into fierce action. 

Difficult experiences and dark emotions are not meant to linger. They are meant to be our teacher and then leave us wiser, smarter and more powerful than before.
Because of this, I was able to quickly re-connect with my True Self again: my intuition, my higher power and my truth. 

And most of all, I was able to return to love

From this place, wedding planning with Zach has become fun, exciting and an adventure. 

And the best part is, from digesting my emotions I’ve been able to communicate all of my thoughts, feelings and desires with Zach from a place of love, grace and peaceful power. 

So, the questions I have for you are: How are you digesting your emotions?  

Do you spend hours on social media scrolling numbingly thru post after post? 

Do you pour yourself a big glass of wine to escape?  

Do you plough thru a carton of ice cream to distract and procrastinate from really facing your true feelings?  

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I sense a seat on the Laugh Yourself Skinny® Escape is meant for you. There are just a few spots left. Doors will open soon. Stay tuned…

Loving you,  

PS. Shortly after digesting my emotions, we set the date for our wedding to be in the beginning of December in 2017 at a very small island in the Bahamas…where the sand is pink, of course! 🙂


Our conversation

September 13, 2016

I answered a controversial question from one of my private 1-on-1 clients, and I thought you’d benefit from hearing our conversation…

She Asked: 
I really want to lose some weight. At the same time, I feel wrong for having that desire and I really want to keep the momentum going with the internal work we’ve been doing. I feel like I’m giving the scale so much power but I want to honor my desire of losing weight. What do I do with this ambivalence? 

What I Said To Her:  
Both of your desires to lose weight and continuing to love your body and do the deeper healing work are right.  

You’re not wrong for having the desire to lose weight because it’s clear that this excess weight you carry is a burden and not in alignment with who you want to be and your highest self.

But solely focusing on the weight would be only looking at the surface. Excess weight is only a symptom to the problem that you are living out of alignment.  

In the end, losing weight is not the end goal. 

Coming into full alignment with yourself physically, mentally and emotionally is.  

Where we got to work:  
We pin pointed a number of her daily actions that were out of alignment with her desire to stop eating foods that make her sick (like having 3 glasses of wine and a big bowl of cheesy nachos for dinner). 

I checked in with her just 2 weeks after our conversation and she reported that she was feeling much better about herself and she had already lost a few pounds. 

I share this with you, because I see how a lot of women who are completely disconnected from the physical repercussions of their actions and often say “just this once won’t really hurt me” as they reach for foods that make them sick, sluggish and burdened. 

And then they wonder why they haven’t lost weight yet.  

What makes the work that I do different from a lot of other overeating and weight loss support, is that instead of sacrifice, restriction and harnessing willpower, we focus on what is in alignment with your desires and creating daily habits, practices, thoughts and beliefs around that.  

My clients continue to tell me that doing things that way takes a tremendous amount of stress and pressure off. And from my expertise and experience, it a much more loving approach and allows your success to become inevitable. 

Right now, my private 1-on-1 programs are full. But in just a few weeks I’ll be opening up spots for our transformational retreat, the Laugh Yourself Skinny Escape™. 

Stay tuned…

Loving you,  


Very special introduction!

August 30, 2016

Have you ever been broken open by loss?  

Like a divorce or the death of your beloved dog…

Then it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to my dear friend and colleague Laura Jack. She is a certified grief recovery specialist with a heart of pure gold.  

I did a special private interview with her just for you about how to move thru grief and how to rediscover your light after loss.

Watch it here!

In it you’ll learn why food is the #1 way to numb after loss… and what to do instead. 

If you’ve spent your entire life burying your emotions and pretending everything is fine, I highly recommend you watch this right now so you can receive a powerful perspective shift around gnarly emotions like grief.  

Remember, overcoming emotional eating has little do with food and everything to do with how you move thru your thoughts, feelings and fears.  

Loving you (every day),  

PS. You’re not alone. In this just-for-you interview I share the deep grief I’m working thru in my life right now…watch it right here, right now.

In the Philly area? This is just for you!

August 23, 2016

There is something SUPER important and VERY special that I want to share with you before I go completely offline next week for our annual summer camping trip in Canada with Zach, CJ and friends!

If you haven’t already, get your ticket right now to our next Put The Cookie Down workshop. 

Saturday, September 10 at 2pm  
Amrita Yoga & Wellness  
1204 Frankford Ave Philadelphia, PA 19125 

Tickets are still a steal at early bird pricing which ends THIS SUNDAY. Grab your ticket right now!

I’m so passionate and so excited about this one because it’s in my hometown, right in my own neighborhood.  

Amrita is the wellness studio I go to and I’ve shed many tears and received so many inspired ideas during my practice in this sacred space.  

I have such a strong sense that this workshop will be very powerful in the best of ways.  

Don’t put this off and get swept up in Labor Day festivities or the busyness of back to school.  

This is the perfect time to re-new your commitment to putting yourself higher on your priority list and receive the power of being in person as I inspire, motivate and teach you how to find REAL rest and relaxation in this overwhelming world.  

Cookies are not a real nourishing way to relax 😉 

Grab your ticket and come.  

I’d be honored to share this sacred space, my life’s work and support you in putting the cookie down.   

See you when I get back! 

9 Ways To Eat Out Without Overeating

August 16, 2016

Do you love to go out to eat?  

You do? ME TOO! 

It’s one of my favorite things to do. But when I was fighting food going out to eat was torture and was always where I’d sabotage myself the most…

I’d restrict during the day as a way to save up for a great dinner.  

And I would always overeat…starving by the time the food came…there was so much going on… Oh, the food was soooo good…

Well you get the point.  

I had this sense that you love to go out to eat too, so I wanted to share some tips that can help make your dining out a little more guilt free! 

Get them here!

*Pay particular attention to tips 6 & 7 here, especially if you feel compelled to overeat like I did. 

In addition to these 7 awesome tips, I’ll add tips 8 & 9.  

8. SLOW DOWN and be mindful with your meal. 

When you eat out it’s easy to get disconnected from the actual reason you are out – to nourish your body – ambiance, company and conversation can easily cause you to overeat if you become overstimulated by them. 

When I feel myself getting distracted, I put my eyes on my food and say to myself in my head, "I am eating. Be here now." I repeat it over and over again until I come back to the present moment. Best part is, no one knows I’m doing it.  

9. Nourishing your body is supposed to be a pleasurable experience! 

But be sure to keep your priorities straight! Nourish your body with healthy, high vibrational food FIRST. Then, take your pleasure from the company, experience and each delicious bite SECOND.  

If you already knew to do these tips, but still aren’t doing them…I highly recommend we connect here.

Now you might be thinking…"doesn’t everyone overeat?"

Healthy eating is an act of self-love and unhealthy eating is an act of self-abuse. And there is a limit to which you can treat your body with disrespect.  

This is one limit I don’t recommend pushing.  

*|FNAME|*, I’ve been in your shoes and I’ve overcome overeating.

Take my hand.

I can help you.  

Loving you,  

Did you know there are 4 Roots that trigger Emotional Eating?

Watch this video to identify which one is triggering you!

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